February 2008 Stuff

This is a new feature page. It is a collection of things that happened in February. Captions tell the story.

(Click on the little picture to see the page.)

Trying to find the leak in the sewer pipe, we called a plumber who came with a camera and took a movie of the pipe. We didn't find a leak so I guess I'll have to pull up the bricks and add more fill to the hole.


Diana wearing her new Valentine's Day gift, a necklace from Perry's collection.

Visit Perry's Jewelry site. Click Here.

President Bush visits my Boss.

Tom was invited to meet President Bush at a private luncheon in Kansas. These photos are from the day.

Pictures of the kids in February.





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Once again, there is no copyright notice.
Once again, you have blanket permission to steal whatever you want.
Once again, send me a check with a lot of zeros before the decimal point.
Once again, well, never mind...