New York City
August 2004

Unlike the July trip to New York, the August trip had a tremendous variety of stuff going on. First, we had only an hour of rain unlike the two days of rain we had in July. Second, we were joined by RebMax and Taylor. Finally, we stayed up late on two nights and walked about ten miles.

Here are the photos:

(as usual, click on the little picture to see the big picture)

Nighttime in New York

Lots of weird things go on in NYC after dark. Lots of normal things too, but just not to us.

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Stick a 20mm f2.8 wide angle on a Nikon and shoot from chest high while walking and you can get some good stuff.
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Stay on your feet in this neighborhood or you will wind up explaining yourself to the NYPD Blue.
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This guy sells art on the corner. If you don't like his rendition, check out his competition on the next corner. 
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Earlier in the evening there were a dozen cabs in front of the Sheraton and more than three dozen people getting out to check in.
RebMax and Taylor walk New York

Our friends Rebecca and her son Taylor met up with us on Friday night. We had dinner and walked around Times Square. On Saturday, we went to the World Trade Center site, the 23rd Avenue Street Fair, the Museum of Natural History, Tavern on the Green for dinner, Central Park and in all, walked about ten miles from the figures on Diana's pedometer. 

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At The Plaza Hotel
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In the Sheraton elevator.
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At the Cortland Avenue subway station.
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On Lower Broadway.
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On top of the Empire State Building. 
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The view we saw.
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This is our neighborhood from the Empire State Building. The yellow arrow is our building.
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This is where we lived in apartment 15D at 21st and 3rd.
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Right after this, she stripped to her underwear and took a dip in the fountain. She had a lot to drink. (That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.) 
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Rent here is only $23,500 a month! Want to move?

We did find a nifty mixed use apartment building in TriBeca for only 6.8 Million.

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This was what the 3rd Avenue Street Fair looked like from 22nd Street south. It really sucked. Street fairs are much worse than they were in the old days (1984). 
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These folks were having breakfast at the Times Square Deli. They were filming a short subject. Watch for it at the Oscar's.
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Our first look at the Ground Zero site.
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Gosh, we're cute!
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Outside Tavern on the Green. 
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Tavern on the Green.
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RebMax and Taylor at the Marriott Hotel.
9/11 Ride Foundation

The 9/11 Ride Foundation organizes a motorcycle ride from the UA crash site in Pennsylvania to Washington DC and on to New York to commemorate the public servants who lost their life on 9/11. There were hundreds of motorcycles around the hotels near sixth avenue and 50th street. These photos were taken on Sunday morning as the riders were leaving New York. When you hear about seventy-five Harley's moving toward 7th Avenue at 11am, it is a stirring sound. 

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New York from New Jersey

We stayed in New Jersey on Sunday night at a very nice Hilton Hotel. This is the view from our room.

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This is what New York looked like at 1pm. 
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This is what New York looked like at 7pm.


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