November 2002

The month starts out in Mexico at Ciudad Acuna. I was reading a magazine article on Pete Turner's use of a digital camera. This is, to many photographers, (not me) a tremendous departure from the norm. Pete Turner is one of the finest photographers in the world and he usually shoots film. He is doing very interesting things with a Nikon DX and a 14mm lens.

Since I am almost entirely digital now, it is a tremendous thing. Pete Turner is a master of color. Therefore, it was interesting that my first few days of the month were spent in Mexico where color is King.

This is also the month I got the Fuji S2 Pro body and have returned to Nikkor lenses. I am a Nikon guy. 

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How cool is this! Count the shades of blue. G2
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Hey Sailor... wanna buy a pizza?

Also, read the little sign. That's marketing G2

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The bookkeeper at the Pharmacia. 

From a long way away, telephoto wise. G2

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My friend Oliver drumming his fingers. He is also known as OT and I did this other version in Photoshop of this with an OT at the end of the sign. The original is still best.  G2

Once in a while, the shutter lag works to my benefit. Not often, but sometimes. This time it did. I would have liked it better if it had fired a hundredth of a second earlier or later. G2

This is a very complex photo. It is both a "Me" pix and an interesting scene in an abandon store. G2

Too many tones to count. between the building, signs, trees and people.  G2
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I have no idea what this mask  represents except that I often feel like this. G2
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Very interesting scene from Cambridge, Ma. Lots of Photoshop going on here. S2
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The Train Yard. Very complex place. From my flight to Boston. S2
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Alec Mertz tuckered out during the Gardner Holiday Food Drive. 

This is how different the Nikon SB80 flash is from the Canon 550EX. This alone makes  owning the S2 worth it. I bounced the flash off the ceiling. S2

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Boston subway station at the aquarium. 18mm lens at ISO 400.

No mods. Straight photo. S2

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This is how the S2 works at night. I did a lot of modification on this. Lots of sharpening and contrast / brightness fixing with Digital SHO. S2
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The same scene during the daytime. Lots of Photoshop tricks here, too. S2
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Find Nowell in the photo. "Where's Waldo?"

This is the Mertz farm. S2


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