Alaska 2003 Maria met us at Barrow Airport. We had this crew to Barrow. The plane puts cargo in the front and we sit in the back. The intrepid crew on the way to Barrow. Our return crew. Diana is happy to be here. Barrow Airport Barrow city seal. Wiley Post and Will Rogers died here. The mile marker shows the travel distance to points south. It's 91 in San Diego. They don't have snow on the railing for breakfast. Barrow. This is Pepe's Restaurant. The owner runs the Polar Bear Club and charges money for it! These people paid her money to jump into 33 degree water for a certificate. We watched from our heated hotel room. Maria bought this from an Inuit at the cultural center. Pt. Barrow. The northernmost point of the United States. Birds. Maria hired Bunna to take us on a tour of Pt. Barrow. Bunna is explaining to us why we have to go back on another bus for reasons you will see later. He took us to Point Barrow and we have our souvenir photo to prove it. Our official group photo. Diana Nowell Diana and Maria dance at the cultural center. Diana and Maria dance at the cultural center. The Cultural Center The Cultural Center The Cultural Center The Cultural Center Point Barrow. The clearest water we have ever seen. « ‹ of 3 › »