1995 ATS Mission

Diana took her sister and niece to dedicate the dorm that her parents funded at the Technion. Along the way we met the King of Jordan and had a really spectacular trip that included going to the ancient city of Petra and riding horses and camels.

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Dr. Better was our Mission Physician and when he found out I was a former Marine he drafted me and I carried supplies for him. I don't look like I'm in good shape there but, except for not being shaped good, I'm doing just fine.<br />
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This answers the age old question... "Does Diana boogie until the cows come home?" Answer, "Yep"<br />
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Our Official Group Photo<br />
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don't remember his name but we still have the book he autographed for us in this photo.<br />
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What could possibly possess someone to ride a camel? I hate camels. I used to smoke Camels and I didn't like them any better. DJ, however, is game for anything. Even this. Sheesh...<br />
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I think this is someone important that I should hang on my wall but I do not remember.<br />
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We look cool but we're really hot! No, really, it was really hot. In the '90's. Still, we're pretty cool, huh?<br />
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Beth, DJ and Barb in front of the entrance to Jordan. We're on our way to meet the King.<br /><br />
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Queen Noor and her body guard Army Colonel drove the Range Rover up this driveway to the garage where we were waiting to see the King.
Here we can prove we were there because there we are!
We know we were there because there we are.<br />
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I tried to get King Hussein to autograph my copy of the Parade magazine article about him but must have left it in my room. Screwed up a once in a lifetime opportunity. Darn.<br />
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During our audience. I invited him to dinner when he comes to San Diego.<br />There is a photo of the moment and one day I will scan it and put it in. <br />
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He walked us back to our bus. "It's Good to be King!"
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One of our tour mates.
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Cookies on the bus. <br />
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The tour guide speaking with Barbara.
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Diana and her niece at the Western Wall. <br />
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King Hussein johis office.ins us from <br />
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Me at 195 in 1995<br />